FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dave Anderson Flying Monkey Software 8424 Todd Creek Cr. West Chester, OH 45069 513-865-6800 x6087 Day 513-779-6489 Evening FLYING MONKEY SOFTWARE ANNOUNCES THE ICON MILL, CUSTOM GRAPHIC AND ICONIC DESIGN SERVICES. WEST CHESTER, Ohio, August 26, 1994 -- Flying Monkey Software announced the opening of its fabled ICON MILL, where you can have app icons, company logos, caricatures, or whatever, digitally rendered for inclusion in your computer products... Iconic Design at reasonable prices. The Icon Mill is a wonderful place, where the happy, flying mill-workers crush pixels into pictures. Pictures that seem to glow with that special something that makes everything seem just a little bit better - that little something extra... In the Icon Mill, digital artwork is created to make your stuff look great! Image files (Icons, logos, etc.) can be designed in monochrome; 2, 3, 4, or 8 bit greyscale; or 12 or 24 bit color - to any particular size or color scheme, with or without transparency. You just name it. All images are custom-created; sets of related images for an entire product or product line, or individual images to fill a specific need can be generated quickly to your specification. Its Serious, Professional-Quality Stuff! Either $25.00/hour or by the job. Hey - we're flexible flyers! ** By the way - Flying Monkey Software also writes and sells NEXTSTEP ** Applications! A wonderful catalog of all of Flying Monkey ** Software's products is available electronically - send a note and ** we'll send it right out! Flying Monkey Software provides object, application and graphic design services to the NEXTSTEP community. The monkeys have been flying software for more than twenty years, and would like to make your software world a better place. Our credo is satisfaction guaranteed: all Flying Monkey products will work - or we'll fix them for free. We'll also extend them for requesting customers on a contractual basis. One Monkey, Two Monkey, Red Monkey, Blue Monkey... NEXTSTEP is a registered trademark of NeXT, Inc. There - nice and legal...